抗疫经济援助 中共为何“淡定”
By Dr. Grace Wang 中共病毒疫情引发全球金融市场动荡,全球央行出手救市。近日美联储和美国政府双双出手,美联储方面大幅减低利率,大笔购买国债、公司债等向市场注入资金,而美国政府近日通过了2万亿美元的援助法案,对企业和家庭进行现金发放和提供贷款等帮助。...
By Dr. Grace Wang 中共病毒疫情引发全球金融市场动荡,全球央行出手救市。近日美联储和美国政府双双出手,美联储方面大幅减低利率,大笔购买国债、公司债等向市场注入资金,而美国政府近日通过了2万亿美元的援助法案,对企业和家庭进行现金发放和提供贷款等帮助。...
By Dr. Grace Wang 近日,中國主要大米進口國之一越南突然宣布暫停大米出口。越南常年大米出口700萬噸左右,大體占世界貿易量的15%。2019年中國大米進口255萬噸,2019年進口越南大米48萬噸。中國從越南和泰國、巴基斯坦進口的大米大約占進口總量的70%以...
By Jingduan Yang, M.D. The American Gastroenterological Association reported that digestive, liver, and pancreatic diseases result in...
By Ichiro Suzuki In a week of heightened volatility on Wall Street, one noticeable movement in the financial markets was weakening of...
By Ichiro Suzuki China has been well known for its accumulation of debt in recent years. The country already passed the U.S. in one...
By Peter Zhang Nicknamed “Wuhan Health Organization” by Chinese netizens, the performance of the World Health Organization (WHO), along...
By Ichiro Suzuki As the battle against coronavirus intensifies outside of Asia, it is still way too early to talk about the changes the...
By Ichiro Suzuki The West has been warning developing countries to be aware of potential pitfalls of excessive borrowing from China...
By Irchiro Suzuki A recent Harvard Business Review article reveals some facts about China as a global lender. China lends some 150...
The Japanese government played extremely carefully on the last round of consumption tax hike on October 1, from 8 to 10%. It was only 2%...
By Ichiro Suzuki Earlier this month, Paul Singer of activist fund Elliot Management Corp has announced that his firm has built a $3...
By Ichiro Suzuki Tesla has lately stunned the investment world with a sharp upswing. Having more than tripled its share price in a few...
By Ichiro Suzuki Writing laws is an easy part. The real game is making the sprit of the law stand. That’s a lot tougher part since it...
By George Yang, M.D. and Jingduan Yang, M.D. Today, we have a digital way of life. We use digital technologies to work, manage projects,...
By Jingduan Yang, M.D. Classical Chinese medicine is a complete medical system that has been passed down for thousands of years and...
By Jingduan Yang, M.D. People spend almost one-third of their lives sleeping. Good-quality sleep plays a very important role in having a...
By Jingduan Yang, M.D. Chinese herbal medicine uses natural mineral, plant, and animal substances as medicine. These substances have...
By Jingduan Yang, M.D. Chinese herbal medicine is one of the major clinical healing modalities in the ancient Chinese medical system....
By Jingduan Yang, M.D. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, one of the best things you can do for your health is to listen to...
By Jingduan Yang, M.D. The history of performing arts is as old as the history of human beings. It is simply because performing arts...