Sino-Australian Relations
By Ichiro Suzuki Australia has been going through difficult times with China in recent years. The bilateral relationship saw its peak...
By Ichiro Suzuki Australia has been going through difficult times with China in recent years. The bilateral relationship saw its peak...
By Ichiro Suzuki Shinzo Abe came back to power at the end of 2012, after a 5 year hiatus that followed an unsuccessful 12 months stint...
By Ichiro Suzuki Pakistan was a major non-NATO U.S. ally until the early years of the 21st century. In 2002 the United States allowed...
By Ichiro Suzuki Since the beginning of the 21st century, there was a great boom for world-famous U.S. universities to have a new...
By Ichiro Suzuki In the 1980s, when the international community was enraged at the inhumane minority regime that ruled the Republic of...
By Ichiro Suzuki The Nasdaq composite index has closed above 10,000 on June 10. The closing level of 10,020 was exactly twice as high as...
By Ichiro Suzuki That Japan is leading the world in cutting edge technology has been an illusion that continues to persist for some...
By Ichiro Suzuki The 21st century belongs to Asia! This appears to be a consensus around the world, especially widely held in the...
By Ichiro Suzuki Las Vegas Sands founder and CEO Sheldon Adelson announced earlier this month that he is pulling out of bidding for an...
By Ichiro Suzuki One of the distinct developments in the global economy in the early years of the 21st century was a surge in savings...
By Ichiro Suzuki Since the mid-1990s, the notoriously high accumulated debt of Japan’s public sector has been a source of a considerable...
By Ichiro Suzuki Several years ago already, developing countries’ fast pace of debt accumulation was drawing considerable concerns in...
By Ichiro Suzuki This was not an April Fool’s Day joke. On April 2, the shares of Nasdaq-listed Luckin Coffee (LK), dubbed as China’s...
By Ichiro Suzuki For the first time ever in post-WWII Japan, emergency was declared amid coronavirus infections that looked on the verge...
By Grace Wang, Ph.D 隨著中共病毒在全球蔓延,全球資本市場進入危機避險模式,投資者不計代價拋售股票、大宗商品等各種投資產品,紛紛增持美元,資金大規模回流美國。 國際金融協會(IIF)的數據顯示,疫情爆發後,從今年1月21日至3月1日,約925億美元的證券投...
By Grace Wang, Ph.D 4月份以来,有三家中概股出现财务造假。瑞幸(NASDAQ:LK)及好未来(NYSE:TAL)自曝财务造假事件,爱奇艺(NASDAQ:IQ)遭沽空机构质疑营运数据造假。 据北大光华学院罗炜教授统计,1999年-2011年在美国上市的26...
By Ichiro Suzuki In the final quarter of 2008, shortly after Lehman Brothers’ failure, almost all the U.S. bank CEO were scrambling in...
By Dr. Grace Wang 有學者估計,中共近幾年來對數十個新興市場國家借貸各種資金,資金總和將近2,000億美元,這些數據被中共官方隱藏起來。隨著「中共病毒」在全世界的蔓延,導致世界各國經濟停擺,這些背負巨債的國家將面臨重大的金融危機,同時其他債權人的利益也將受到...
By Ichiro Suzuki Over a generation ago, when the competitiveness of Japan Inc. was the envy of the world, it was in part attributed to...